Legal notice

legal notice

reproduction rights

Written and/or put online by the editors of SAELM Air 12, these contents cannot be reproduced freely without the indication of the source. Similarly, the “deep linking” technique is prohibited, this means that the pages of the website must not be nested inside the pages of another site.



The information published is verified on a regular basis, but is provided for informational purpose only. The person in charge of the publication declines all responsibility in case of error or omission. To report an error or to make a correction request, you can contact the person in charge of the publication.

Aéroport de Rodez – Aveyron route de Decazeville – 12330 SALLES LA SOURCE
Administration : +33


it laws and freedoms

The data you give us are necessary for your requests processing and are not transmitted to any other organizations. By virtue of the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have a right of access, consultation, modification, rectification and deletion of the data that you communicate on the site.


Credits and website realisation  


Septime Society – Web Agency
Rich media designer / developer
Specialist in digital communication.
Missions – creation of the global graphical interface. Computer programming and design: general navigation. HTML integration.

Septime Création
12000 RODEZ – France

Tél.: +33 5 65 68 46 68
Fax: +33 5 65 68 46 67
Site internet :



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59100 Roubaix